Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Lily is a two or three year old orange tabby cat.  She was adopted from the Pima Animal Care Center in August 2011.  Lily wasted no time getting to know me and the bedroom where she was kept when she came home.  It was then that Lily developed a lasting bond with a tan mouse, pictured above, and her scratcher, pictured below.

I quickly learned she could fetch, and she quickly wore out her mouse.  I keep back-up mice on hand, and she immediately knows they are her mouse.

Lily and Doodles became friends quickly.  They now have two types of play they engage in multiple times daily: chasing and fighting.  They are already inseparable.

Lily's personality is uniquely interesting, and it is impossible to describe fully in one paragraph.  She is incredibly sweet and loving and quite attached to me, but she is also fully preoccupied with play and her pal Doodles.  She chews on plastic, and she has her favorite types of plastic that she cannot resist pulling out of the trash.  She talks and talks and talks, so much so that I cannot yet determine what she is trying to say.