Monday, January 2, 2012


Doodles is a three or four year old brown tabby cat.  I found her in June 2011, and she quickly adopted me. At first, she spent most of her time in a chair by my bed:

But with the addition of Lily to the household, Doodles became more comfortable and happy with her new home.

Now Doodles has multiple favorite sleeping spots that are ever evolving, and her number one favorite thing in life is food: canned food, treats, dry food, any kind of food.

Doodles' personality is a mixture of sweet and independent: you can pet her all you want, but you cannot pick her up.  She particularly likes to be brushed and scratched on the top and sides of her head; she likes to play with any sort of string; and she has a cute habit of sniffing people hair when you're laying on the floor.